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Jun 1, 2018

Now you see it, now you don't


Members can now manage address visibility of their commercial listings from public websites, such as, with the Address Display field in Matrix.

Non-disclosure of a commercial property address can be completed by selecting “No” in the address display field in Matrix. Please note, listing agents must ensure they have received written instruction from the seller for the non-disclosure of the property address.

Commercial listings with Address Display: No selected:

  • Will not have their address displayed on; and
  • Will not have their address displayed in Matrix under agent view or client view (no visibility to other members or the public).

Commercial listings without a business component with Address Display: No selected:

  • Will not have their address displayed on; and
  • The address will be visible on Matrix for other members and the public to view.

Residential listings with Address Display: No selected:

  • Will not have their address displayed on; and
  • The address will be visible on Matrix for other members and the public to view.

For instructions on how to manage the visibility of property addresses, click here.

Since there is an address display option in Matrix, the correct address must be input for all commercial property listings.

CREB®’s member practice team will begin to audit listings for accuracy on Monday, June 4 to ensure member compliance.

Between now and then, please review your commercial listings to ensure all addresses are correct and compliant with CREB®’s rules.

Technical questions regarding fields in Matrix can be directed to CREB® Help Desk at or 403-781-1379. 


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