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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Jun 15, 2018

REALTORS® should be beasts!

With all the skills that REALTORS® possess in marketing and communications, you’d think by now we’d be advocacy beasts at every level of government.

Sadly, we are not.

Part of our problem is that we get all funny about political issues because it looks like we are feathering our own nest. I say so what! There should be no apologies for taking action as one of the largest professional groups in every community and province across Canada. We should have a strong voice on housing issues.

Of course, some of our political action work is focused on what is good for our members, but many issues are consumer-centric and we are the best advocates for the interests of consumers.

One way we could get better at this work is if each and every one of the over 100,000 REALTORS® in Canada were registered in the REALTOR® Action Network (RAN).

And the best part . . . you are already registered. All you need to do is click this link and put in your home postal code.

Please also check out the badge you can download online and in your print marketing, which is a good way to demonstrate our unity in the industry. Next time we check back in on this topic, we will provide a call-to-action, so you can send a message of support to your federal MP.

If MP’s are getting flooded across the country with messages from REALTORS®, we will get noticed. CREA is careful to not overuse the call-to-action, but when they do, each of us must answer the bell.

Another way to advocate is by engaging with CREB®. Our recent member needs assessment provided some great feedback on how we do on your behalf.

Clearly, you want us to advocate better and to involve you more. We got the message and are taking swift action to grow drive results. Please click here to watch a brief video to learn more about RAN and the advocacy efforts across Canada’s real estate industry.

Let’s raise the REALTOR® flag, together!

This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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