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Nov 30, 2018

Showing off?


Change of schedule? Showing cancelled? Stay on top of best practices for etiquette and expectations when showing a home. 

Booking and attending showings

If you book a showing and aren’t able to attend, you must give reasonable notice to the listing agent. Providing accurate showing details helps the listing agent know:

  • Who will be accessing the lockbox;
  • Who is in care and control of the property;
  • Who to contact for feedback on the showing; and
  • Who to contact should the listing agent need to cancel the showing.

As a reminder, permission to access a property cannot be extended or transferred to a different agent without approval from the listing agent. Unless otherwise stated, the agent conducting the showing must obtain authorization before accessing a property as per CREB® Rule Part II – 8.04.

Cancelling showings

If you cannot show a property, cancel your booked appointment as soon as possible. This shows professional courtesy and respect for the occupant’s time. CREB® Rule Part II 7.02 (a) outlines this policy.

Troubleshooting ShowingTime

If you cannot access ShowingTime, please contact CREB® for troubleshooting assistance.

Please do not use another CREB® member’s ShowingTime profile to book your showings. Access to these CREB®-supported platforms are specific to the individual member, so sharing user/password information is a violation of CREB®’s Authorized User Agreement. Instead, contact the listing agent directly to arrange the showing.

Troubleshooting SentriLock

If you are having trouble with the SentriLock system, please contact CREB® for troubleshooting assistance.

If your SentriLock access tools aren’t working, you can request a one-day code from the listing agent to access the property. Do not borrow another member’s access device. Sharing SentriSmart™ Apps and SentriCards® is strictly prohibited under CREB® Rule Part II 8.05.

Sharing access devices is also in violation of SentriLock Key Management System Agreement. If it’s discovered that devices are being shared, access device privileges may be revoked, and a conduct investigation initiated.

To access CREB® Rules, click here. Please note, CREB® Rules and any legislation referenced are subject to updates and changes. It is imperative that you always verify information by referencing the current rules and legislation.

If you have any questions or concerns about showings or conduct to access a property, please contact CREB® Member Practice at


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