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charitable foundation

Apr 30, 2019

Silvercreek progress

REALTOR® volunteers who braved the cool morning conditions were quickly rewarded with a sun-soaked afternoon at Habitat for Humanity’s Silvercreek build on April 12.

Volunteers and crew leaders framing walls with Habitat for Humanity on April 12

This was the first opportunity for our member volunteers to get hands on at the Silvercreek site, which will eventually be home to 32 low-income working families.

If you haven’t put your name in the hat to volunteer, please consider a future build date. The experience is profound and anyone from the membership can participate. Spots are limited, so keep an eye on CREB®Link opportunities coming later this year.

In the meantime, there are other ways to give back.

Habitat’s ReStore accepts new or gently used appliances, furniture and building materials. If you or your clients have any of these items, please consider making a donation.

You can drop items off at the ReStore North or South location, or arrange for a pickup. Donations valued at $150 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Click here for more info on volunteering at the Habitat ReStore on May 30.


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