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agm recap

Apr 30, 2019

Our 75th in review


This year's AGM had no shortage of momentum as we recapped our 75th anniversary year and set out on a new path for future success. Check out some of this year’s event highlights with links to all things AGM.

Presentation on Governance Excellence

This year’s AGM speaker and panel discussion was all about Governance Excellence, where we discussed refinements that will position CREB® for continued success.

Governance consulting partner Brad Quinn joined us to review association governance trends. Members from our Governance Excellence Member Engagement Task Force joined us for a panel discussion to share their experience acting as a sounding board for the proposed governance refinements.

Adoption of new bylaws

During CREB®’s meeting, the motion was carried to repeal the existing CREB® bylaws and replace them with new, simplified bylaws that were circulated to members for review prior to the meeting.

These new set of bylaws align CREB® with association governance best practices and strengthen our composition.

Click here to view CREB®'s bylaws as of April 17, 2019.

Update on Habitat for Humanity community partnership

In 2018, CREB® Charitable Foundation committed the second largest donation in the foundation's 31-year history—a $1 million capital investment to Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta for their Silvercreek Legacy Build. 

This development will see 32 townhomes built in the northwest community of Silver Springs for low-income working families. 

Habitat is on pace to reach their target of 12 families being matched to the development this fiscal year, with four families matched so far.

To read more about one of the matched family’s story, click on the Silvercreek Q1 report image below. 

2018 annual report

If you haven't already, check out the 2018 annual report for a full review of CREB®'s achievements in our 75th year.

For past meeting minutes, audited financial statements and other pertinent AGM documents, visit the AGM page on CREB®Link.

2018 highlight reel

Take a look back at memorable moments from our 75th anniversary with CREB®’s 2018 highlight reel.


AGM feedback

So, what did you think? Take a few moments to complete this short AGM event survey to share your feedback if you attended this year’s event.


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