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social media fraud

Apr 5, 2019

REALTOR® reputation on social media

CREB® was recently advised that fake Facebook profiles, posed as REALTORS®, were created to post negative remarks on company pages and forums. This behaviour puts the REALTOR® reputation at risk.

The social media situation

A developer recently advised CREB® that fake Facebook profiles, posing as Calgary REALTORS®, were made to post negative remarks on their Facebook page.

After further investigation, it was found that the fake social media accounts are linked to one or more active CREB® members from a different brokerage than the one identified in the posts.

Risk to REALTOR® reputation

While CREB® is currently dealing with this matter, this is an important reminder to all REALTORS® that this type of behaviour can harm the REALTOR® brand and professionalism in the industry. Engaging in conduct that undermines the industry or the integrity of the industry is taken seriously by the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA).

If a CREB® member’s behaviour reflects poorly on the industry, this could also breach the REALTOR® Code, which states, “A REALTOR® shall not engage in conduct that is disgraceful, unprofessional or unbecoming of a REALTOR®” (Article 21) and could result in sanction to the member.

Proper dispute resolution

If an issue arises, constructive discussion is important. Always remain professional and courteous to encourage positive conversation, while providing thoughtful questions and suggestions to promote industry integrity.

If you run into a challenging situation that requires assistance to resolve, here are some alternative options available:

  1. Talk to your Broker: They are there to support you, your business and have information on different avenues to pursue a resolution.
  2. Call CREB® Member Practice: This department deals with a variety of member concerns and can provide advice and information on what other organizations you can contact for assistance.
  3. Chat with a lawyer: They are your best sounding board to help determine if there is an alternative recourse, especially regarding more serious issues.

For more information on dispute resolution options, contact CREB® Member Practice at


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