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Aug 13, 2019

Confessions of a volunteer fanatic


Nettie Hendricks has energy to burn. Not only has she filled her hours as a successful real estate agent for the last 11 years, she logs countless volunteer hours.

“I love being a REALTOR®, but it really does cut into my volunteer time,” laughs the grandmother of five from Strathmore.  

“I started volunteering when I was in grade seven,” said Nettie, adding that she did everything from teaching religious education after school to free babysitting.

Growing up in a busy household, Nettie said she was shocked when she realized as a young adult that many people don’t have a home to go to. 

A self-proclaimed volunteer fanatic, Nettie says she was naïve back in those days. “Volunteering with homeless people in downtown Calgary really opened my eyes,” remembers Nettie. “It disturbed me, and continues to do so, that so many people have nowhere to live. It’s a real problem.”

These days, despite an active real estate business and five busy grand kids, Nettie devotes her spare time to helping people through CREB® Community Investment by chairing the Fundraising and Events Standing Committee. And if hearing that doesn’t tire you out, she also volunteers at Habitat for Humanity builds

Nettie can always be heard encouraging people to learn more and become a Friend of the Foundation. “I welcome anyone to give me a call if they’d like to learn more about how their monthly contribution is invested in the families living in the communities we all work and live in. 

“Housing is so important for so many reasons. People need a home and my goal is to provide that for as many people as I can,” said this feisty lady.

Become a Friend of the Foundation with CREB® today, and make your mark on the housing and shelter sector.

nettie hendricks

Photo courtesy: Anna Michalska

Nettie Hendricks volunteered her time at the CREB® golf tournament selling 50/50 tickets to support CREB®’s community investment.



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