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Speaker Seminars

Aug 13, 2019

Fall for PD

Back to school ads are up and running – and so is CREB® professional development! Check out the speaker seminars lined up for September and lock some dates in your fall schedule.  

Running a successful real estate business

Date: Sept. 12
Time: 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Many real estate agents can fail because they don’t have a system in place to engage and nurture their clients. The problem is that most agents see themselves as only salespeople, not as business owners. 

Register for this speaker seminar to redefine your value and learn its impact on your personal brand. You’ll discover: 

  • The common reason why Real Estate Agents fail in the business;
  • How to go from a salesperson to a business owner; and
  • Important strategies to implement to have a successful business in real estate.


Alberta’s real estate transactions: Investing the interest on trust accounts into Alberta 

Date: Sept. 24
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

Did you know that the Alberta Real Estate Foundation (AREF) has invested more than $20 million into hundreds of projects across the province?

In this session, members will learn more about AREF, how it invests the interest earned on money deposited in your broker’s trust account and initiatives it supports. You’ll also hear from three organizations that have received funding.


Commercial contracts, line by line

Date: Sept. 26 
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Learn everything you need to know about drafting an effective commercial purchase contract that will protect both you and your clients. This course provides a line-by-line walk-through of:

  • Effective commercial contracts;
  • Fundamental clauses that should be included in every commercial contract; and
  • An overview of optional clauses that can be used to meet your client’s specific needs.

Note: This course is geared toward REALTORS® who are looking to move into Commercial real estate or who have limited Commercial experience.


Maximize your money 

Date: Sept. 30 
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

Join us for a Money Matters session where you will learn how to make your money work better for you. You’ll discover: 

  • Key information that every Canadian needs to know about our current financial situation;
  • How to better invest for the future;
  • Different investment vehicles available to Canadians;
  • How to properly protect your money;
  • How to create an emergency fund; and
  • Estate preservation and wealth accumulation.


For questions about upcoming Professional Development sessions, please contact



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