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Aug 20, 2019

Hold on ad changes


On Aug. 8, the Minister of Service Alberta suspended the implementation of the Real Estate Council of Alberta’s (RECA) advertising guideline clarifications that were slated to take effect on Oct. 1, 2019.

AREA’s advocacy

Back in May, the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) released a member survey regarding RECA’s advertising guideline changes. Based on survey results, AREA identified the large financial burden for members to comply with the changes.

Since some associates may have already spent money to comply with RECA’s previously determined ad changes, AREA wants to identify these members to advocate on their behalf.

Please direct anyone in your office who is in this situation to where they can provide further details on their expenditures.

To read AREA’s advocacy statement on the advertising guideline changes, click here.

Current compliance

Please note, any member who has made changes to their advertising in anticipation of RECA’s definition changes must still be compliant with the existing rules. We urge any member who is currently not compliant with the existing rules to make the necessary changes.

For questions about RECA’s existing ad guidelines, please contact or 1-888-425-2754.

If you have any questions on AREA’s advocacy position or incurred advertising costs, please contact


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