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Aug 20, 2019

Let's talk about safety

On this month’s episode of CREB®Cast we’re talking all about safety and how REALTORS® can keep themselves safe during showings.  

Click here to listen.  

We are also excited to announce that CREB®Cast is now on iTunes! Check us out here.  

REALTOR® safety and safety education is of high importance to keep members safe, which is why CREB® ensures safety training opportunities are offered throughout the year. 

In addition to training opportunities offered at the board, CREB® recognizes there are many additional, external safety options and devices available. While CREB® cannot endorse external offerings that have not been vetted by the board, below is a list of safety resource providers who have reached out offering their services to members.   

Blackline Safety 

Provides pendant devices that monitor and emits emergency signals to your contacts.  

Live Life Secure 

Live Life Secure provides small alarm devices that work using the same cellular phone technology as a mobile phone. REALTORS® can wear the device as a pendant and can press a button that connects to your dedicated contacts, which can include 911, if help is needed.   

PROtect Personal Safety App 

The PROtect app can send messages out to PROtectors on your list of preferred contacts when you’re in a situation that calls for extra security. 

Ranger Tactical Ltd. 

Ranger Tactical supplies tactical and self defence equipment to law enforcement agencies. Equipment sold includes a personal alarm that is discreet, easy to operate and will alert people if you need help.  

SAFE International 

SAFE International provides self defense classes, plus tip and tricks on how to stay safe. Their program includes techniques to help diffuse potential attacks.   

SentriLock App – Agent Safety Mode 

Although the SentriLock app is designed with showings in mind, REALTORS® can use Agent Safety Mode during a showing. Click here to learn more. 



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