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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Aug 20, 2019

Volunteering is good for the soul


Last Wednesday, to the shock of my family after a family history loaded with do-it-yourself mishaps, I helped build a home with Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta.

I enjoyed being part of the community of REALTORS® who invested a day supporting the CREB® Charitable Foundation Habitat build. After a fantastically fun day, I left tired, but feeling good because I not only helped build a home, I helped build a little part of a community.

The idea of me spending the day with power tools probably generated some chuckles and eye-rolls. However, the Habitat for Humanity team brought out the very best in me. It was great to hear the Habitat story, which I thought I knew. But seeing it in person and hearing the stories really solidified how important their work is.

It was very cool to see Foundation Governor Murray Scotton serving as a team lead with his usual smiles and jokes through the day. He made sure everyone was part of the team.

The next time you see an upcoming CREB® Charitable Foundation Habitat Build day, I encourage you to click on the ‘register’ button. I guarantee you will learn lots, meet some awesome Habitat folks and feel energized as a REALTOR® contributing to the community.

And besides helping build a home for a family who needs it, I learned something I already knew — the most important tool I can bring to any task is my attitude!

I’ll see you at a future Habitat Build, despite my lack of building skills.

habitat volunteers

Calgary realtors joined CREB® CEO Alan Tennant at a recent Habitat for Humanity build
On the stairs top to bottom: Murray Scotton, Justin Becker, Winnie Ng
Top row (l-r): James Perks, Christopher Kellett
Front row (l-r): Jacqueline Hinz, Kourtni Listhaeghe, Lisa Kauffmann, Alan Tennant, Terri Camore, Liana Tempany, Diane Payne



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