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circle of distinction

Dec 3, 2019

Distinction has its benefits... for everyone


Did you know CREB® has a Circle of Distinction? It sounds exclusive, but everyone has a chance to join this special circle. 

The Circle of Distinction has been around for over 50 years. Founded by about 12 long-time CREB® members back in the day, the group initially was comprised of the CREB® past presidents.  Over the years the group was expanded to also include honourary life members and T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders award recipients and has grown to around 60 people.

The founding members thought it would be nice to recognize and thank individuals for their involvement, dedication, and service to CREB®. These people have seen a lot of ups and downs in real estate and have gone above and beyond in serving the real estate industry. 

“The group has a vast amount of knowledge and expertise that’s been immensely beneficial over the years. It’s important to acknowledge that, and for our current directors to have regular access to these folks,” said Alan Tennant, CEO, CREB®.

Continuing, Tennant says that this knowledge must be passed down. “Most of our members in the Circle of Distinction have an average of 30 years in real estate, and capturing that wisdom and experience keeps us sustainable over the long-run.”

While many of the members are retired, some are still actively involved in the real estate industry and look forward to the couple of times a year the group gets together. They're mentors, brokers, and volunteers, donating their time to various leadership roles in our organization. 

Speaking about the value this group brings to CREB®, Tennant feels especially indebted to them. “These people play a critical role at CREB® and I can’t overstate their importance in contributing a variety of skills that ultimately serve our membership.” 

I highly encourage members to explore the advantages of joining us in a voluntary role. You won’t regret it,” said Tennant.


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