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2020 annual dues

Dec 3, 2019

Holding the line on cost to belong


We often talk about fiscal responsibility and managing the cost to belong for members, but rarely have we been able to say that CREB® is holding the line on annual dues for the seventh year in a row.

Thanks to an awesome feat of budgeting excellence by board and senior staff, we’ve made it happen.

There will be no change to CREB®’s annual dues in 2020.

Now, our full annual budget is normally available for the coming year at this time, but we’re still working on some fine-tuning details.

We were slightly delayed by cost implications from things like the recent retirement of StarMetro’s print edition, which impacts CREB®Now printing and distribution – as well as the recent sale of CREB®’s Mayland Place building, which also influences the 2020 budget picture.

Rest assured, we continue to work diligently to hold the line on your cost to belong to CREB®. Once the restated 2020 budget has gone through its final approval process, we will circulate that document to the wider membership, as we normally do.

In the meantime, let’s get into it. Is there anything in our funding model that you would like to see changed?


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