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crebnow Calgary sun

Dec 17, 2019

New year, new distributor


We are excited to announce that CREB®Now has entered into a new distribution partnership with the Calgary Sun.

Starting on Jan. 12, 2020, CREB®Now will be distributed through the Sunday edition of the Calgary Sun each week. Some standalone copies of CREB®Now will also continue to be available at select locations throughout Calgary and area.

Every Sunday, CREB®Now will be inserted into more than 31,000 copies of the Calgary Sun distributed across the city and outlying areas. These will be split between home delivery to Calgary Sun subscribers, single-copy sales at a variety of retailers, and free copies available at several area businesses, including McDonald’s, Tim Hortons, Original Joe’s and Mr. Lube.

The move to the Calgary Sun was necessary due to the closure of StarMetro’s print operation in Calgary, effective Dec. 20. As a result, the upcoming Dec. 20 issue of CREB®Now will be the last issue with StarMetro.


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