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finances numbers

Dec 17, 2019

The cost to belong in the new world


A few weeks ago, we announced the decision to hold the line on member dues and process around the 2020 budget. 

This time around, and considering the insightful comments posted to the Introducing Alberta One Realty Listing Services Inc. article, we wanted to dig into your thoughts on cost factors around the MLS® System.

This is particularly important as we move to outsourcing the core aspects of our MLS® System to Alberta One Realty Listing Services (AORLS). No doubt, we are about to go into a period of great change, including a new era of opportunity for real estate professionals.

As we make this transition, there are some key points of information we do want to share about cost:

  • We (you, the board, CREB® staff) do not want to see member costs go up . . . ever!
  • The last time there was a big change in member dues and fees, it was 2013, and it came after a consultation process that we called “Fairer Fees and Dues.” There was an extensive change in our model to give members some flexibility in selecting the level of MLS® System access they wanted.
  • Future state – Alberta One Real Estate Listing Service (AORLS) will be charging a monthly fee of $27.50 per member. This will obviously impact the current MLS® System monthly service fee and we are working to nail down all the peripheral details influencing the overall price point for this service.
    • Changes to that will be shared with the membership as we move closer to the AORLS migration date.
  • In this future state, listing or sales fees can continue to be charged by partner boards. It’s important to note that between 2013 and 2015 CREB® reduced and harmonized its listing fee, from $40 to $25.

So, similar question as last time. Is there anything in our funding model that you would like to see changed, improved, kept the same?


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