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heart month

Feb 1, 2019

<3 Month


February is Heart Month – and CIBS wants to remind you that it’s a good time to learn more about how to be heart healthy.

You can help keep your heart and blood vessels healthy by taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle habits include healthy eating, getting active and being tobacco free.

Eat Healthy

Healthy eating helps promote and maintain a healthy weight when combined with active living. Eating more vegetables and fruit offers additional benefit of lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, vascular dementia and kidney disease. 

For help with healthy eating, see below:

Get Active

Increasing your physical activity is good for your heart and blood vessels, as well as the rest of your body. Being active helps lower your risk of health problems and helps you feel good. For more information about being active, see below:

Be Tobacco Free

Reducing or quitting tobacco use is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Tobacco use is still the number one cause of preventable death and disability world-wide and is linked to many illnesses, including heart attack, stroke, diabetes, pulmonary disease and many others. For help with quitting, see below:

A life-threatening illness can strike a REALTOR® at any age and at any time during their career. CIBS offers a one-time, tax-free benefit of $12,500 for CREB® members who are facing hardships associated with medical costs due to a life-threatening illness.
Keep you eye on CREB®Talk for more health and wellness tips and help us spread the word on CIBS.


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