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charitable foundation

Jul 23, 2019

And the survey says...


You spoke and we heard. The results are in from our survey of proposed logos for CREB® Charitable Foundation.

Thank you for your participation. Your voice is critical as we position REALTORS® at the forefront of CREB® community investment activity. 

Survey results showed an almost even split between members who preferred version one of the REALTOR® Community Foundation logo (135 total votes for rank one and two) and CREB® REALTORS Care® Foundation logo (131 total votes for rank one and two).

Such strong support for two brands gives us a deeper understanding of your preferences, and we have a bit more homework to do to ensure alignment. 

Your voice and opinion in this brand building work is important. So, we’ll be arranging focus groups with our members soon.

If you’re interested, drop us a note at

Thank you again for being an innovator and adding your voice to your new brand look.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

See Results