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Jul 2, 2019

Changes to condo regulations postponed

The Government of Alberta has paused implementation of the condominium regulations that were scheduled to come into effect July 1, 2019. 

This decision has been made to allow time for the Government to review the regulations for excessive red tape. As a result, condominium document fees will remain unchanged.

AREA’s position

The Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) thinks reducing condo document fees aligns with the government’s goal of reducing red tape for Albertans but understands that other portions of the changes would add more red tape to condominium building, operating, buying and selling. After further review, the Government plans to move ahead with regulations it believes will best serve Albertans.

What does this mean for REALTORS® in the condominium market? 

Since changes to the rules have been paused, the day-to-day practice of REALTORS® will stay the same this summer.

AREA states that they will continue to advocate with government for changes to condo document fees to protect consumers from unfair management and condo corporation practices.

To view the original notice on AREA’s website, click here

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