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realtor round up 2019

Jul 2, 2019

Last chance for REALTOR® Round Up tickets!

Kick off your Stampede this Friday, July 5 with tickets to CREB®’s Annual REALTOR® Round Up event. 

Tickets are only on sale until midnight on July 2 so ensure you get yours today!

For only $40, you get admission to the event, a meal at the chuckwagon buffet and 1 pre-paid drink ticket.

And while you eat, drink and mosey, you can watch your peers try to tackle the mechanical bull, or dance to some live music, compliments of Ryan Lindsay & Daring Greatly.

Best of all, a portion of all proceeds from the event will go towards CREB®’s Charitable Foundation, which supports housing and shelter-related charities on behalf of the REALTOR® community.

Please note, REALTOR® Round Up tickets can only be purchased in advance, and there will be no tickets sold at the door. So, what’s holden’ ya back?! Get them tickets today!


July 5, 2019

3:00 p.m.

Ranchman’s Cookhouse & Dancehall
9615 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, AB T2J 0P6

Purchase tickets


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