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realtor round up 2019

Jun 4, 2019

BBQ, Bulls and Buckles

Stampede is right around the corner, so make sure you get your tickets for this year’s REALTOR® Round Up! 

The hootin and hollerin goes down on Friday, July 5 at the Ranchman’s Stampede Tent. For $40 you get admission, a chuckwagon buffet and 1 pre-paid beverage ticket.

You can earn your bragging rights by taking a turn on the ol’ mechanical bull, with the winner taking home a shiny new belt buckle to rock at their next showing.

And best yet, a portion of all proceeds go to CREB®’s Charitable Foundation, which supports housing and shelter-related charities on behalf of the REALTOR® community.

So what are y’all waitin’ for? Click here to nab them tickets today.


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