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Governance excellence

Jun 18, 2019

Your 2020 CREB® Chair

In alignment with CREB®’s revised and approved bylaws from our 2019 AGM, we are pleased to announce that Sarah Johnston will serve for her second term as CREB® Chair in 2020. 

Our 2019 Chair-Elect Lorna Hamm will continue to serve in her current role in 2020 and will be appointed to CREB® Chair in 2021.

“Governance Excellence wasn’t just a slogan for our governance review, it’s the theme for everything we do as board leaders,” said Sarah Johnston, 2019 CREB® Chair. “The board and its standing committees are currently focussed on updating CREB®’s Governance Manual, and with that members can expect to see some new ways to engage with CREB® leadership in the board elections this fall.”

Highlights from our new bylaws

Updates to board composition in our bylaws have been made with the goal to achieve Governance Excellence – making efficient and effective decisions that better meet member needs.

Clarification of titles and duties: We updated the titles of President and President-Elect to Chair and Chair-Elect, with broader distribution of traditional duties to all directors. Updating these title names aligns with industry best practice.

Update terms on the board: We extended Chair and Chair Elect terms to two years and Directors to three years. This allows time for directors to not only gain momentum, but the opportunity to execute on initiatives. This will create more continuity, stability and accountability.

Click here to view CREB®’s Bylaws.

Curious about board leadership? Keep your eye out this fall for more information on running in CREB®’s 2020 elections.

For questions abut volunteer leadership at CREB®, please contact Glenna Roth, CREB® volunteer and leadership coordinator, at 403.781.5453 or


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