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Mar 8, 2019

Communicate to regulate


Working in a self-regulated industry is both a privilege and an obligation.

That fact is, REALTORS® need to collectively hold each other accountable to the rules and legislation that governs the real estate industry. This commitment boosts the professional reputation of individual practitioners and the REALTOR® brand more broadly.

REALTip: Self regulation

If you encounter an issue with another member, it’s a professional courtesy to bring the concern to their attention before escalating a complaint to RECA or CREB®. Whether it’s an advertising concern or a mistake on a listing, a brief, direct conversation with the other member (or their broker) can have positive results by saving time and building professional relationships.

What may be is perceived as an intentional breach of a rule may just be a simple misunderstanding. If you provide your peer with the opportunity to directly address your concern, the situation may be resolved faster than filing a complaint, plus eliminate any ill will that can result from filing a formal complaint.

If you determine that a resolution is not possible after speaking to the other member and their broker, then escalate a formal complaint to RECA or CREB®. Remember the complaint may result in a fine or sanction that will remain on the their record.

For more information on self regulation, visit RECA’s website here.

If you have additional Member Practice questions, contact


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