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spring professional development

Mar 29, 2019

Spring ahead with CREB®


Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to boost your real estate skills. Check out what we have in store this spring. 

Remember, registration fills fast, so make sure to claim your spot.

Taxation & Financing

Date: April 9
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This course is divided into two distinct but inter-related parts. The taxation portion will allow participants to understand various income tax considerations in real estate investments; while the financing portion focuses on the concept of leveraging and implications.


Advanced Influence

Date: April 11
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Want to learn the most important skills behind influence? This program takes a deep dive into persuasive linguistics and decoding facial expressions that will give you insight on the true emotional states that your customer is feeling. Elevate your confidence and ability to read and influence anyone, anytime.


Condo Contracts, Line by Line

Date: April 18
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Learn everything you need to know about drafting an effective condo purchase contract that will protect you and your clients. This course covers fundamental condo corporation information as well as key things to beware of when it comes to condo titles.


REIX - Errors and Omissions

Date: April 23
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Join Dave de la Ronde, REIX Vice President of Claims & Litigation, for a discussion about REIX policy, requirements and exclusions. You’ll also review the legal process with focus on avoiding litigation on areas such as square footage, title, Dower, disclosure, GST, listing and selling condo’s, home inspections and more.


Crime Stoppers and You

Date: April 24
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 noon

It’s the discussion you won’t want to miss with the Calgary Police and Crime Stoppers about aspects that affect REALTORS®. Topics covered include crime prevention tips for property owners, what Realtors can do to be safe when showing or visiting properties and how to keep your community safe. You’ll also learn about the Crime Stoppers Program and how tips from Realtors can help police solve and prevent crime.


For questions about Professional Development sessions, please contact


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