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town hall

Mar 1, 2019

Town Hall Takeaways


This week’s member town hall was all about Governance Excellence, where we discussed refinements that will position CREB® for continued success. If you missed the meeting, check out our town hall takeaways.

Governance consulting partner, Brad Quinn, joined us to review association governance trends (click here for the presentation slide deck). He noted that although CREB® is well ahead of other boards and associations in our industry, he applauded our desire for further refinements so we can move the dial to achieve excellence in governance. This isn’t about change for the sake of change, it is about change that works for you. Change that gives you more value and a better experience.

Top 10 trends in association governance

1. Clearer distinctions between governance and operations.
2. Fewer and distinctly governance-related board committees.
3. Focus on improved member engagement beyond committees.
4. Elimination or reduction in mandate of Executive Committees.
5. Greater attention to director competence and diversity.
6. Longer terms of office for directors and officers.
7. Smaller board sizes.
8. Tidying up older bylaws and policies.
9. Updated terminology from board President to Chair.
10. Introduction of non-member directors.

So, what are some refinements members can expect at CREB®’s 2019 AGM? CREB® is looking to modernize and simplify our bylaws, based on recommendations by our consulting partner and feedback from the Governance Excellence member survey. Highlights of proposed changes include:

Clarification of titles and duties: This includes the change of President and President-Elect to Chair and Chair-Elect, with broader distribution of traditional duties to all directors. Updating title names aligns with industry best practice.

Update terms on the board: Extend Chair and Chair Elect terms to two years and Directors to three years. This allows time for directors to not only gain momentum, but the opportunity to execute on initiatives. This will create more continuity, stability and accountability.

Best Person Governance: Eliminating the requirement for there to be at least two brokers on the board of directors. This will simplify our election process and ensure the candidates with the most votes are elected. Improvements to our candidate training and nomination process will result in candidates who are the best person for the position.

There are other changes in the bylaws that will be shared with you before the AGM and some that have been considered but will not be part of the proposed changes. For example, non-member directors could be something to be considered in the future but will not be in the proposed new bylaws.

The proposed new bylaws will be posted well in advance of the April 17 AGM. In the meantime, for more information on Governance Excellence, visit the hub on CREB®Link here.

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