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proposed bylaw changes

Mar 22, 2019

Vote for excellence

The proposed bylaw changes that will be presented at the 2019 AGM are now live. See what’s in store for you to vote on.

“Be better. It’s a phrase I’ve said more than once, and that’s because it’s how we as REALTORS® and we as a board can achieve continued success,” said Sarah Johnston, 2019 CREB® president. “That’s what the Governance Excellence refinements represent – building a better structure so we can adapt to the shifting demands of our industry.”

Governance Excellence means challenging the status quo so we can maintain our A-game. Simply put, our goal is to streamline and strengthen our governance structure (bylaws, policies and practices) so that we are positioned for continued success in the future.

“This has been a member-focused initiative, from the initial governance review survey sent to all members, to the development of the member engagement task force,” stated Jeff Mikolajow, Chair of the Governance Excellence Member Engagement Task Force. 

Members on the task force acted as a sounding board through the governance review, gathering additional member feedback and helping CREB® better understand REALTOR® needs. 

With the member feedback and outside input from a leading governance consulting firm, CREB®’s Board of Directors worked to prepare these important and progressive changes. 

“Some highlights of our proposed bylaw changes for board composition are based on the best-person-for-the-job philosophy,” said David P. Brown, Chair of CREB®’s Governance Standing Committee. “The changes also include some clean-up that aligns with the association governance trend of having leaner bylaws with more emphasis on policy.”

Highlights of the proposed changes include:

Clarification of titles and duties: This includes the change of President and President-Elect to Chair and Chair-Elect, with broader distribution of traditional duties to all directors. Updating title names aligns with industry best practice.

Update terms on the board: Extend Chair and Chair Elect terms to two years and Directors to three years. This allows time for directors to not only gain momentum, but the opportunity to execute on initiatives. This will create more continuity, stability and accountability.

Best Person Governance: Eliminating the requirement for there to be at least two brokers on the board of directors. This will simplify our election process and ensure the candidates with the most votes are elected. Improvements to our candidate training and nomination process will result in candidates who are the best person for the position.

“These refinements will help propel our organization forward so we can better deliver on our strategic plan with a governance model that members have confidence in,” said CREB® CEO Alan Tennant. 

Click here to view the proposed bylaws. 

This is your organization and your vote counts. Register to attend the AGM on April 17, in-person or online.



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