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May 28, 2019

Acreage living


Check out the latest issue of CREB®Now, highlighting Calgary-area acreage communities and the benefits of the rural lifestyle. 

Affordable acreages: Where to find your little piece of paradise without breaking the bank

If the idea of living on an acreage appeals to you, but you don’t think you can afford the price of admission, don’t despair. There are some areas around Calgary where affordable acreages can still be found.

Builder’s Corner: Carrington showcases Mattamy Homes’ attention to detail

Designed for those who enjoy an active lifestyle, the master-planned community of Carrington in Calgary’s northwest features an abundance of green space, along with a sleek architectural presence defined by European design.

Country convenience: Bearspaw and Springbank provide rural lifestyle and urban amenities

Where can you take in mountain views, watch wildlife and enjoy a peaceful acreage lifestyle, all while still being able to access downtown Calgary in under half an hour? According to residents, the answer is the communities of Springbank and Bearspaw on Calgary’s northwestern fringe.

Historical Home of the Month: McClary Residence

The McClary Residence is one of the oldest homes in the community of Glenbrook. In fact, at the time it was built, the community did not yet exist.

New DeWinton-area acreage community provides blank canvas for your dream home

Though there’s nary a house in sight at this stage, it’s easy to feel at home in Hamilton Heights Estates. After a long day at the office, what could be homier than peace, privacy and captivating mountain views, all within 10 minutes of south Calgary and Okotoks?

Plan, prepare protect: City’s three-part flood mitigation plan tackles risk on multiple fronts

While many homeowners cross their fingers that a flood to match 2013 never comes again, the City of Calgary has been crossing t’s and dotting i’s on a plan to protect those who would be affected in a worst-case scenario.

Ready for revival: Breathing new life into Calgary’s Downtown West End

While Calgary’s Downtown West End has not seen much updating in the last three decades, plans for revitalization are underway.


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