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May 7, 2019

Commission disputes

In addition to enforcing the CREB® Rules and CREA REALTOR® Code, CREB® also offers voluntary arbitration for members who are in commission disputes that have no potential rule violations.

CREB®’s arbitration process is a board-offered service that two parties can undertake to resolve a dispute related to fee payments. The process is conducted under the provisions of the Arbitration Act.

How it works

  1. Members must file a submission no later than one year from the date when the cause of the claim arose. A deposit in the amount of $500 in the form of a cheque payable to CREB® must be provided by both parties to the dispute.
  2. The Arbitration Panel will be composed of a chairperson and two or four members of the Inquiry Committee. The panel decision on the claim will be written, contain reasons for the decision and determine any costs to be awarded to any party (or CREB®), including the disposition of the deposit. Please note, a decision of an Arbitration Hearing cannot be appealed.
  3. Following the conclusion of the Arbitration Hearing, the Arbitration Panel decision will be delivered in writing to the parties within 20 days. The document will include the reasons for the decision and instructions to CREB® on the disbursement of the applicant’s and respondent’s deposits.

For more information, please refer to CREB® Rule 6.04 Arbitration Hearing, or contact CREB® Member Practice at


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