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diamond gala 2019

May 14, 2019

Last chance to join us at the Diamond Gala


Registration for this year’s Diamond Gala closes on Thursday, May 16th.  Click here to purchase your tickets before they’re gone.

The event, happening on Saturday, May 25, is one that you won’t want to miss. With comedian Graham Chittenden emceeing the event you are sure to share some laughs alongside your fellow REALTORS®.

There will also be awards presented throughout the night acknowledging members that are reaching a career milestone, as well as those who have gone above and beyond throughout the year.

Check out CREB®Link for a list of members receiving a long service award, or a board builders award. Recipients of CREB®’s other member recognition awards are announced at the Diamond Gala. Get your ticket today and come celebrate your peers in an evening filled with good food and good friends.

If you are receiving an award and notice that your name is missing from either list, please contact our communications team at


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