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Nov 12, 2019

CREB®iFax Retirement


This morning we learned that iFax communicated to members CREB®’s decision to retire CREB®iFax. We were unaware this communication was going out. 

We are troubled with this message from iFax to you and assure you that CREB® does not share members’ private information. We immediately dealt with the issue by requesting they promptly ‘cease and desist’ communications to our members. 

We reiterated to them we have communications scheduled for our members on this matter and we will provide the information our members need. A retraction will be issued on Nov. 15 by Charles River Communications.  

CREB®iFax was launched in collaboration with CRC Communications in 2009. Usage has been dwindling over the last three to four years, most significantly over 2019. Keeping our focus to provide members the tools and support they need to be successful we made the difficult decision to remove CREB®iFax service.

Effective Jan. 31, 2020, retiring CREB®iFax will save costs and avoid increasing technology fees.

We did not come to this decision lightly.

The message from iFax suggests that CREB® will be migrating users to a new provider. This is not true. We are happy to work with you to better understand your needs and determine if you truly require a fax solution.  If so, we do not anticipate any complications or disruption to users choosing to migrate over to a new service provider as suggested by iFax’s message.

While CREB® does not recommend any specific option, we can provide some common services providers able to port CREB®iFax numbers. Click here for more information and a list of alternate service providers.

To ensure a seamless transition, we recommend that all users who want to keep their fax number find a new solution as soon as possible and start the number porting process in early January. This will help you avoid disruptions.

Again, we are disappointed with this communication from iFax in advance of our scheduled communications to you. Please check CREB®Talk for additional information as we move closer to Jan 31, 2020.

If you use the iFax service for anything beyond simple faxing, please contact and we can work with you to investigate other options.


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