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Mixer sale

Nov 5, 2019

Celebrate with us!


Celebrate the holidays with the REALTOR® community at CREB®'s Holiday Mixer. Plus, you can save $20 on registration – tickets are on sale for $79 until Nov. 12!

We’ve refreshed our holiday event to give you the most holly, jolly celebration of the season. Here's what we have in store:

An epic celebration

Come mix, mingle and prepare to be entertained at this cocktail-style event hosted at the Metropolitan Conference Centre.

Holiday food stations will be set up with delicious eats and treats, plus attendees will receive a complimentary drink ticket. 

Silent auction

The Holiday Mixer will feature a silent auction hosted by the CREB® Charitable Foundation, with all proceeds going towards housing and shelter related initiatives in your local community.

Post-mixer mingle

After the mixer, collect your second complimentary drink ticket and continue the party at Ceili's next door. Our group will also receive drink discounts at Ceili's including: 

  • Half priced bottles of wine.
  • $5.95 Keith's pints.
  • $5 Jameson and Fireball shooters.

Hotel discount

The Westin is proud to offer Holiday Mixer attendees a special hotel rate of $119 on Dec. 12. 

Park your vehicle with complimentary self-parking and head over to the mixer, then after the party take the +15 back to your room and indulge in a long winter's sleep. Hotel registration details and discount code will be sent in your Holiday Mixer confirmation email. 

What are you waiting for? Purchase your tickets today and get ready for some festive fun!


CREB® Holiday Mixer
Date: Thursday, Dec. 12
Time: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Location: Metropolitan Conference Centre 
Dress: Cocktail attire

 Ceilis logo  The Westin

For questions about the event, please contact


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