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Nov 5, 2019

Communicate with clients in ShowingTime


ShowingTime has launched some new updates to allow for client communication using their My Home website and app.

When you add a seller (with an email address) to a listing they will be invited to the My Home website.  From there, the seller can view scheduled showings on their listings and approved feedback from viewers. They can also communicate with you and approve showing requests from other agents if you allow them to.
When you add a buyer (with an email address) to a showing request they will also be invited to the My Home website. From there, they can see a schedule of all of their viewings and communicate with you.
Please note, at this time the My Home invitations will automatically be sent to your clients when they are added to a listing or a showing request. CREB® is working with ShowingTime to allow agents to opt out of this for buyer clients. If you would prefer not to allow your buyer clients access to the My Home website, it is recommended you do not enter your client’s email address. 
A guide for sellers is available here.
A guide for buyers is available here.


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