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Nov 26, 2019

Introducing Alberta One Realty Listing Services Inc.


Welcome to a new era of data possibilities and enhanced user experience with Alberta One Realty Listing Services Inc. (AORLS) ‐ Alberta’s much‐anticipated powerhouse for realty listing services.

REALTOR® driven, REALTOR® owned

AORLS is a for profit company whose founding shareholders include nine Alberta real estate boards, including CREB®, as well as the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA).

With AORLS, REALTORS® will have access to provincewide data to better serve their clients. This will lead to improved buying power, access to new products and service, control over their data, plus the ability to conduct business on one MLS® System anywhere in Alberta.

Pillars of service

AORLS is being built from the ground up to provide the following service offerings:

  • An all‐new MLS® System powered by Matrix™ that has information and access to listings across the province of Alberta. Listing customization and fields will be based on the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Gold standards. There will be a single set of fields and pick lists for all member subscribers.
  • Agent efficiency tools including Prospects Mobile app and CRM solutions, integrated with Matrix™ to store and manage client information and searches. Mapping tools integrated into the MLS® System for additional information.
  • Data protection with Clareity SafeMLS, a single sign‐on password management system to keep member and listing data secure.
  • Data integrity through an automated data checking solution integrated with Matrix™, capable of reducing the all‐manual listing checking processes.
  • Tech support with a live help desk via phone and email, plus on‐demand, step‐by‐step member support available directly in the MLS® System software.
  • System training provided to member subscribers when they migrate their services to AORLS. Quarterly orientation training offered for new and existing member subscribers to stay up to date on the MLS® System features. Additional training available for agent efficiency tools.

Migration timeline

  • November: A single set of data fields will be developed to create consistency in the MLS® System for member subscribers across the province.
  • December and January: Input and feedback will be gathered from select member subscribers to help develop intuitive, user‐friendly displays.
  • Early March: Subscribed boards will begin to migrate to AORLS services. Boards will migrate one at a time in succession until early June.
  • Late Q2 2020: Expected completion of all member subscribers to AORLS.

We promise to keep you informed as we migrate to the new MLS® System, and support documents and training will be provided during and post-migration.    

For more information about AORLS please email


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