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Matrix update

Nov 12, 2019

Commercial vs Land categories


Commercial vs Land – ensure your listings are uploaded into the appropriate category in Matrix™ with these Member Practice guidelines.

Land listings

Listed properties that only consists of raw land, regardless of the zoning or permitted uses of the land.

Please note, CREA has determined that land listings uploaded to the MLS® System will appear on in both the residential and commercial searches to help optimize exposure. This will help assist users to find land without having to know if the property is considered residential or commercial.  

Example 1:

The property you are listing recently had structures removed and has a land use that permits a multi residential structure to be constructed. The listing price does not include a new structure being constructed.

This is a land listing because the listing price only includes the land. The category cannot be determined by future use.

Example 2:

Your client is asking you to list their 10 acre lot that is currently being used as a trailer storage business and is zoned industrial. The business is not part of the transaction – it is moving locations and all structures on the property will be removed prior to possession.

This is a land listing because the buyer will only get the 10 acre lot upon possession, which consists of raw land only.

Commercial listings

Properties that have a structure on it and it is currently being used in a commercial capacity.


You have been awarded a listing by the Court of Queen’s Bench to list a strip mall that sits on a large piece of land. The strip mall will need to be updated but will be included in the transaction.

This is a commercial listing, it’s primary use is for retail. There is more than just land included in this listing and since the current use is commercial, the correct category is commercial.

For further questions about uploading listings as “land” or “commercial” contact


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