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Nov 12, 2019

Your Voice | Your Board


Your votes have been tallied and CREB®’s 2020 board of directors has now been decided.

This year 1,192 members voted, and four new directors will join CREB®’s 2020 board of directors. 

It takes time and effort to run for a board position and we’re thankful for all the hard work our candidates put in.

"I’m looking forward to working with our newest board members in 2020, and excited to see a diverse group of leaders,” said CREB® chair Sarah Johnston.

"I have no doubt this promising team of directors will start off the new year with a firm vision."

CREB®’s CEO Alan Tennant agrees. “I’m pleased to see the commitment and dedication our candidates demonstrated and excited to ring in the new year with this dynamic group.

“I also appreciate our members who voted this year. We’re grateful for your voices in this critical step in the process to decide who governs CREB®.”  

Your participation helped us reach a total voter turnout of 21 per cent; a five per cent increase over 2018. 

Congratulations to our new leadership.

Your new directors will begin working on behalf of members in Jan. 2020. Click here for more information on the election results.


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