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success tour

Oct 1, 2019

Join the success tour


Members are invited for a special live stream of the 2019 Buffini Success Tour free of charge at CREB®. 

Join one of the world’s most prominent speakers, Brian Buffini, along with a rock-star lineup of the most sought-after motivational speakers to learn how you can be the essential source for everything real estate for your clients.

This session will feature two great talks:

Future Proof Your Life with Brian Buffini

Brian Buffini has put millions through the process of goal writing, transforming their lives for the better. He’ll help you create a vision for all the areas of your life—spiritual, family, business, financial, personal—and then help you create simple steps to reach these goals. This is a powerful goal writing session you don’t want to miss!

A Motivational Message from Scott Stratten

A returning Success Tour favorite, Scott Stratten will share his powerful insights on how to engage better with customers through social and viral marketing. He challenges audiences to put the focus back on what matters most to current and potential buyers.

Buffini’s 2019 Success Tour will show you how to stand out from your competition, guarantee your success in any market and become a master of your craft.

This session is complimentary for CREB® members.


Date: Oct. 11 
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Location: CREB® (300 Manning Road N.E.) 

For questions, please contact



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