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Oct 15, 2019

Ready for a challenge?


The election period is ramping up. Are you ready for a challenge? Nominations open Oct. 17 and close Oct. 24.  

Major changes are happening in the real estate sector and your skillset can help respond to these changes while contributing to the future of CREB® and your business.   

Your voice is crucial. Answer the call or nominate someone you know between Oct. 17 and 24. Help create a pool of capable people to take CREB® into 2020.

We’re looking for people with: 

  • exceptional critical thinking skills; 
  • experience in planning and policy making;
  • a desire to make a positive difference; and
  • sound judgment and integrity.

Stay tuned for the link to nominate on Oct. 17.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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