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uofc study

Oct 29, 2019

What Makes a Healthy, Liveable and Vibrant Neighbourhood?


One of the ways to increase physical activity, prevent chronic diseases, and promote health and well-being is to plan and develop liveable, vibrant, neighbourhoods. 

This isn’t as easy as you think. Real estate professionals, community developers, and homebuyers/sellers have mixed views about what features contribute to such a neighbourhood.

Here’s where you come in.

University of Calgary researchers are seeking REALTOR® participants to help conduct a study on the perceptions of neighbourhood “walkability”, “bike-ability”, “vibrancy”, “livability”, and “health” in Alberta.

Associate Professor Dr. Gavin McCormack from the Cumming School of Medicine is leading the study, which will provide new learnings about how we can make our city and neighbourhoods even better.

For more information, please read the attached information on this study.  

If you’re interested in participating please contact Dalia Ghoneim, Research Coordinator by email or telephone (403) 220-2976. 

An interview by phone will be scheduled (at your convenience) and will last 45-minutes.

As a token of appreciation for completing the interview, you will receive a $50 pre-paid VISA gift card.

This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board.


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