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new creblink launch

Sep 10, 2019

Introducing the new CREB®Link

Featuring a brand-new look, updated information and a fully responsive layout for all platforms – the new CREB®Link is easier to navigate so you’ll find what you’re looking for more efficiently. 

Before you check it out, here are the things you’ll want to know:

All in one place. The tools and information you need are at your fingertips. The fresh and new homepage includes many quick links, which means less clicks to get you where you need to be. Everything from Matrix™ to the latest CREB® news, courses and events, you can find it all on the first page.

Enjoy the view. Whether you’re on your computer, smartphone, or tablet, you’ll notice our website looks cleaner and more modern.

Find things faster. Navigating CREB®Link is now easier and more intuitive, thanks to the new navigation structure. We’ve also improved our search function so you can find what you need in less time.

Get to the point. Members asked us to be more straightforward. We took this clear-as-crystal feedback and adopted a simpler plain language writing style.

Stay up to date. When we moved to our new website, we also archived a lot of older information. Fewer pages means richer content and less time sifting to stay current.

Update your links. New webpages have been added throughout the site. You’ll need to update any old links you bookmarked or saved.

CREB®Maps is the way to go. The property database has been retired, but all its features and tools can now be found in CREB®Maps. Stay tuned for tech tips in CREB®Talk to ensure your user experience is smooth.

At CREB® we’re always looking for ways to enhance the services we offer to our membership and hope that you enjoy the new CREB®Link as much as we do.

Click here to check it out!


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