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Sep 3, 2019

Lights, Camera, Action!


Have you ever wanted to be on the big screen? Have your own trailer, complete with snacks and a personal assistant? See your face plastered on every billboard from here to Mexico?

Then now is your chance!  

CREB® is looking for actors for a series of REALTOR® brand promo videos and WE WANT YOU! 

So, we can’t actually provide a trailer or a personal assistant, but we can guarantee that your face will be seen by lots of people looking to buy or sell a house. And snacks, there will be snacks

We’re looking for male and female actors of all ages and ethnicities. No acting experience necessary. 

If you’re interested, please email with your name and headshot by September 9. Those selected will be asked to come to a 15-min. script reading at CREB® the following week.


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