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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Sep 10, 2019

We need your opinion!

A short while ago (last Wednesday, Sept. 4), AREA sent out a survey to all members across the province asking about the future of Alberta REALTOR® boards and associations.

We doubled down on this message with a direct email to CREB® members (last Friday, Sept. 6), with the goal of reinforcing the critical importance of local member participation.

Truly, this might be the most important survey we’ve ever sent to the collective membership.

Why does this matter so much?

The board of directors is forming the vision of a future where you would belong to one organization that delivers your board and provincial association needs.

“As with any organization, we’re looking to the future of our business and industry. Change and collaboration is a part of that landscape,” said CREB® Chair Sarah Johnston.

“This is a conversation that has been happening all around us for years and it’s time we stepped up and became part of the solution,” added Johnston. “What do our members want? What do our members need? And, what will help us thrive in the future?”

If you disagree with the concept of one organization, this is your opportunity to make it known. If you agree, and want to shape the vision for the future, we’d welcome those thoughts too.

“These are the questions that will help us determine a path forward in this ever-changing real estate environment,” said Johnston.

Why does your opinion matter?

Your membership dues and fees fund AREA and CREB®.

Your opinion about where you see value in your membership always matters, but this survey is asking every REALTOR® in Alberta the same questions.

For those of you who are about to stop reading because you don’t feel qualified to answer questions about our future structure, wait . . . you are exactly who we need to hear from.

This survey asks questions that REALTORS® in B.C., Saskatchewan and in many other North American regions have also been pondering.

If you don’t care and want your services to be better priced or just better, tell us.

If you feel strongly about belonging to an independent local board, let us know why. 

If you care about having one Alberta membership, but don’t have an opinion on how it happens, that is also an opinion we need to hear.

The survey link can be found here. Please encourage your colleagues, your office team, your peers you’re working with on that deal you’re working on, to jump on the survey before it closes on Thursday, Sept. 12.

And, if you needed more incentive, please note that all survey respondents will be entered to win one of five cash prizes of $250 each.


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