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2020 Forecast speakers

Sep 16, 2019

Presenting your 2020 speakers


Some call them gurus, others call them influencers. We call them our 2020 Forecast speakers, who will give you game-changing insight on Jan. 14.

Ann-Marie Lurie

Gain 20/20 vision on housing market trends for the year ahead with CREB® Chief Economist Ann-Marie Lurie. Be the first to hear about key economic factors influencing the housing market in 2020, including a breakdown of the overall trends in the local economy, insights into the apartment-style, attached and detached housing segments and what's next for Calgary's real estate market.

Rick Mercer

Fasten your seatbelts – Canadian comedian, TV personality, political satirist and author Rick Mercer is joining us live at CREB®’s 2020 Forecast.

Rick is offering an epic keynote that will make you appreciate, as never before, this unique nation we all call home. It’s a heart-soaring and laugh-out-loud funny affair, and a perfect way to celebrate what our great country has to offer.

Todd Talbot

Real estate is more than a profession – it’s about home, family and connection. Gain new insight and clarity on how you can refresh and redefine your business for continued success with TV host for Love it or List it Vancouver, entrepreneur and real estate expert Todd Talbot.

Valerie Garcia

What does the future of real estate have in store? How will you prepare and adapt for your business? Join Valerie Garcia, who’s worked with some of the biggest names in real estate, to explore the ways global technology trends are impacting the real estate industry – and have a ton of fun along the way!

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