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AGM 2020 member recognition

Apr 28, 2020

And the award recipients are. . .


Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2020 AGM livestream and congratulations to our members who received awards!

Please join us in congratulating the following award recipients: 

2019 REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award


Rob Campbell 

The REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award is the most prestigious award that CREB® offers. The award is presented to CREB® REALTORS® who exemplify professionalism, leadership and selfless dedication to CREB® and to the greater community. 

Our 2019 recipient, Rob Campbell, has been an active volunteer since 1981, which includes serving on various committees and board leadership at CREB®. He has been greatly involved in the wider community, volunteering his time and serving as a guest speaker and panelist. 

Rob served as president of the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation in 2017 and is known to consistently go above and beyond for his clients, his team members and his community. 

Congratulations again to our 2019 REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award recipient, Rob Campbell!

2019 CREB® Volunteer of the Year – Marilyn Jones Memorial Award


Tom Westcott 

The CREB® Volunteer of the Year - Marilyn Jones Memorial Award was created to honour the late Marilyn Jones and is presented to a CREB® member who embodies the spirit of volunteerism and community service. 

Having held titles including CREB® President and Board Chair, our 2019 recipient, Tom Westcott, has been involved in almost every facet of CREB® during his time as a member. 

He has chaired many CREB® standing committees and is currently volunteering on several AREA committees as well. Tom truly exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and demonstrate dedication to good governance.

Congratulations again to our 2019 CREB® Volunteer of the Year – Marilyn Jones Memorial Award recipient, Tom Westcott!

Honourary Life Member Award Recipients


Stan Matlashewski 

Stan has been a member of CREB® for over 50 years and is currently our longest serving member. He assists on Calgary’s assessment review board and has been a member of the Inquiry Committee/Professional Standards committee since 1996. 

Rick Campos 

Rick has been a member of CREB® for 35 years and a CREB® volunteer for most of his career. He is a former CREB® Director, has chaired many standing committees, and is currently serving as a governor for the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation. 

Tom Westcott 

Tom has been a member of CREB® for 44 years, serving as an active volunteer and Board member. Along with being the president of CREB® in 2018, Tom has also been the chair of many standing committees and volunteered on several AREA committees outside of CREB®

Please note that we plan to recognize our long-service and board builder recipients in the coming months.

Join us in congratulating our award recipients by leaving a comment below!


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