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member recognition

Apr 7, 2020

Diamond Gala 2020 Update


Regrettably, due to COVID-19 related public health restrictions put in place by the Government of Alberta, the Diamond Gala is cancelled this year.

Please know that the board is still committed to recognizing our outstanding REALTOR® members who have gone above and beyond throughout the previous year.

In lieu of the Diamond Gala event, the following awards will be presented at this year’s virtual AGM on April 23, 2020: 

  • The REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award
  • CREB® Volunteer of the Year – Marilyn Jones Memorial Award
  • Honorary Life Member Award 

In addition, we plan to recognize our long-service and board builder recipients in the coming months.

With everything happening in the world right now, we wish more than ever that we could get together to celebrate the milestones and achievements of our members.

We have some truly outstanding individuals in our membership, and even though we can’t have a Gala to celebrate, please know that your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, and we appreciate all that you’ve done for your clients, your board and your community.


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