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Apr 21, 2020

Livestream and Links on the MLS® System


With COVID-19, ensuring the health and safety of all parties in a real estate transaction is more important than ever.

To support this, there are technology-based options available to support REALTORS® and their clients. is making it easier to show listings by adding a livestream open house feature. More information about this option is available at

Currently, CREB® members can utilize the following options to input a link on their MLS® System listings:

  1. Private – Member Only Remarks section
    • Links cannot be placed in the Public or Additional Internet Remarks section
  2. Supplements section
  3. Input Field options:

live stream your open house

While the titles of the input fields above can be very specific, members have flexibility to utilize these input fields for general links at this time. Members can direct people to these options which will remove the need to add the link directly in the Public or Additional Internet Remarks section.

Additionally, CREB® members can also refer to the Livestream Tip Sheet found on the CREB®Link COVID-19 Hub for helpful tips and information on utilizing technology-based options to help facilitate virtual showings, open houses, tours etc.

If you have any questions, please contact CREB® Member Practice at 403-781-1336 or


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