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pro photo service

Apr 14, 2020

Photography and 3D services


Our photography and 3D services remain open under a limited capacity. However, the health and safety of our staff, members and clients are our top priority.

We also understand that even under this period of uncertainty, your business needs to continue to operate and professional imagery is a significant need.

At this time, we will only be accepting requests to provide photography and 3D shoots for vacant homes. Our photographer will avoid touching any surface and is equipped with preventative equipment such as hand sanitizer, wipes and gloves.

In order to keep the high standards of our imagery, we are asking members to:

  • Ensure the property is vacant.
  • Have lock box access to the property.
  • Ensure the property is prepared for shooting as the property will be shot ‘as-is’. This includes leaving lights on, opening all doors, toilet seats down and general de-cluttering prior to the photographer arriving.

We thank you for your understanding and hope you stay healthy.


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