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Pillar 9

Apr 14, 2020

Pillar 9 Fee Update

We’ve been talking a lot about Pillar 9 lately but haven’t yet addressed one question that we know you've likely been wondering, which is, what is the new MLS® system going to cost?

The answer, for over 95% of our members, is that it will cost less than your current MLS® System monthly service fee.

Our Board of Directors is intimately aware that between COVID-19 and the ongoing economic challenges within our region, times are tough for REALTORS®. This is why, at a special meeting of the Board on April 2nd, CREB®’s Board of Directors approved a fee model that will ensure your costs do not go up through the migration to Pillar 9.

The new Pillar 9 fee structure will be as follows: 

  • Pillar 9 fee - $27.50 per member per month
  • CREB® System Management fee - $35 per member per month
  • CREB® Listing fee - $25 per listing 

To provide some context, a member who currently subscribes to the full MLS® System monthly service pays $80 a month. Post Pillar 9 migration, this same member will pay $62.50 a month ($27.50 Pillar 9 fee and $35 CREB® System Management fee). The CREB® Listing fee of $25 will continue to apply to each new broker loaded listing.

With the launch of Pillar 9 we will be moving away from our current MLS® System monthly service fee levels, meaning that all members will pay the same monthly fee regardless of whether they are currently a commercial, residential or full member.

The only exception to this will be for members falling into our basic tier. These members will continue to pay $20 per month and won’t have access to the Pillar 9 MLS® System or any other technology tools like ShowingTime or Prospects.

The new fee structure will come into effect following CREB®’s migration to the new Pillar 9 MLS® System.


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