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Pillar 9

Apr 7, 2020

Check out the Pillar 9 Hub

In order to answer your questions and keep you in the loop on the latest Pillar 9 MLS® System information, we’ve put together a Pillar 9 information hub on CREB® Link.  

As of now, the hub includes FAQs and migration timing. In the coming weeks we will be adding additional FAQ’s, information on fees, training, and more. We encourage you to check the hub regularly for new information.

Click here to access the Pillar 9 information hub.

Remind me again, what is Pillar 9?

May 4 and 5 will see CREB® migrate to Pillar 9 – a provincewide MLS® System. Once all participating boards and associations are migrated at the end of June, REALTORS® will have access to a wider pool of data, new products and services, plus the ability to conduct business on a single-point MLS® System.

CREB® is here to support you through the migration and ensure a seamless transition to the new MLS® System. As we move towards migration, our goal is to keep you informed about what you can except for training, fees, and key aspects of the new system.

Along with continually updating the Pillar 9 hub, we will also be providing ongoing migration updates through CREB®Talk and email as we move towards our May 4 migration date. After migration to Pillar 9 CREB® will continue to do what it does best, which is provide unmatched products, services and support to members, with access to all the tools and resources that aren't bundled with the new MLS® System.

We’re excited about the migration to Pillar 9’s new MLS® System and are here to support you every step of the way.


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