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business mechanics

Feb 25, 2020

Business Mechanics


You already know real estate sales, but do you understand business?

What’s in your future – more of the same or running a successful real estate business? If you want to learn the basic mechanics of business leadership, this is the program for you!

This 6-part monthly seminar is presented by Pete Baran, business mechanic, coach and consultant to CEO’s. Pete has hands-on experience as VP of a multi-billion dollar tech company, start up CEO of a successful B2B business, Chief Program Management Officer, corporate turnaround COO and advisor to many Canadian and local Calgary organizations.

Below are the 6 topics covered in the series:
  1. Powerful business visions and values that attract people
  2. Strategic thinking and planning to gain competitive advantage
  3. Effective teamwork so you can stop working so hard
  4. Financial statements and understanding other business vital signs
  5. Creating your brand, standing out from the crowd
  6. Innovation and change creates your future business

Registration is now open for the following courses:

Powerful business visions and values that attract people

Do you feel that your business should be more than “get up, work hard, repeat”? Motivational talks don’t last, doing what you love does. How do you integrate what you love into your business? Come and find out why following someone else’s path to success in real estate seldom works and how to find your own.

Date: Tuesday, March 10
Time: 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: CREB® (300 Manning Road N.E.)

Strategic thinking and planning to gain competitive advantage

Come discover how to use strategic thinking in any situation to increase your chances of winning with less effort. One of the five important thinking skills (strategic thinking, design thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking and analytical thinking), strategic thinking has been the key element used to win wars and win clients. Find out how!

Date: Tuesday, April 14
Time: 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: CREB® (300 Manning Road N.E.)

Effective teamwork so you can stop working so hard

Almost nothing of significance occurs alone. Learn how to stop working alone and to start harnessing the power of people. Discover the right people you need to be successful and how to motivate them to help you build a successful business.

Date: Tuesday, May 12
Time: 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: CREB® (300 Manning Road N.E.)


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