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Feb 4, 2020

Pump up your Prospects


Whether you’re a beginner or advanced user, CREB® offers Prospects CRM and Mobile courses to help you maximize the platforms. Register today for a course hosted right here at CREB®

Prospects CRM Basics

This course provides an overview of Prospects CRM and is designed for learners who are new to using Prospects to manage their real estate business.

Through discussion, demonstration and hands-on practice, participants will learn to navigate the Prospects CRM and start using it to boost their real estate business.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Log-in and navigate Prospects CRM from CREB®Link;
  • Manage your real estate business to save time, retain clients and manage client data;
  • Identify the key elements of the dashboard;
  • Configure your email and calendar;
  • Enter and search for contacts using keywords and custom fields;
  • Develop and send out market reports; and
  • Access additional training resources available to members.


Time: 9 a.m. to 12 noon

Cost: $49 + GST for CREB® Members

Prospects Mobile and Advanced CRM

This course dives deeper into the advanced features of Prospects CRM and Getting Started with Prospects Mobile. The program is designed to provide you with some tools to help you navigate the platform more efficiently.

You’ll learn how to:

1. Set up configuration settings for various functions including, but not limited to Hotsheets, Leads and Facebook Publishing.
2. Create action plans and utilize the virtual assistant in organizing your daily activities.
3. Maximize the functionality of action plan templates.
4. Use the Prospects Mobile app and its general features.
5. Customize and share your app.
6. Utilize the Brand & Share™ feature to enrich your engagement with your clients.

Date: March 3

Time: 9 a.m. to 12 noon

Cost: $49 + GST for CREB® Members



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