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2018 Alan Tennant CREB chat

Jan 7, 2020

A new year of change and possibilities


Welcome to 2020, yet another year of change!

The headline may seem like a bold prediction laced with promise for insight, but it’s not. It is a fact of life. Change is everywhere, whether we like it or not.

Members that have been following CREB®Talk have been made aware of many new changes coming this year. Our regulator is on the cusp of major changes and we will soon have a new Real Estate Act, in addition to updated leadership at RECA.

A new version of our MLS® System is coming, which will generate some updates to our rules and processes and, best of all, bring an expanded database that will eventually reach into every corner of the province. Unlike almost every other MLS® System, we will maintain control over our database and by extension provide a more stable and sustainable future for our members.

Our society and your business is driven to change and improve, and we anticipate more changes to arise that we aren’t even contemplating at this point. While some of our members would like us to do less and keep the status quo, others want us to jump on the fast track and make greater change happen sooner. The reality is that we would like to fall somewhere in the middle, helping members in every part of the spectrum navigate this new world.

Our goal continues to be to support you and where we can, give you plenty of warning and prepare you for new developments. This is why it was so important for us to continue moving towards excellence in governance last year. All organizations, whether they are government, for-profit companies or not-for-profits like CREB®, are focussed on improving their governance in order to avoid inertia and be ready for disruption.

It may seem cliché to suggest that the best way to prepare for the future is to expect the unexpected, but this is a prudent starting place. We will continue to prepare you for change and, where we can, influence its outcome for your benefit.

Our membership has set high expectations for our organization, and the best way to demonstrate our support for you will be in the form of strong, inspired and engaging change leadership. Have a great 2020!


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